Dogs, and other animals, share our lives as treasured family members, so it is shocking that thousands of puppies, cats and millions of other beautiful animals are excluded from the protection of the Animal Welfare Act and its 'unnecessary suffering clause', in order to be bred for cruel laboratory experiments.
In February 2022, MPs met in Westminster Hall to debate Peter Egan's Parliament petition: 'Change the law to include laboratory animals in the Animal Welfare Act'. Please visit this page to watch clips of the participating MPs, as they call with urgency for laboratory animals to be included in the Act. The MPs spotlight the need for the science hearing on animal experiments, as outlined in Parliament Early Day Motion 187. This hearing will enable independent expert scientists to judge false claims that results from animal tests can be used to predict the responses of humans. The hearing's judges will be drawn from the relevant science fields, including evolutionary biology, complexity science, chaos theory, clinical research, drug development, basic research and philosophy of science.
The hearing is needed to prove to the Government that they are being misled by those with an outdated financial vested interest in animal experiments, which is completely opposed to current medical knowledge. The laws which first mandated these experiments are 78 years old: today we know that animal experiments are entirely failing the search for human treatments and cures.
Please take action to help: simply type in your postcode at this link to ask your MP to support the science hearing and sign Early Day Motion 187.